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Safeline Anti Bacterial Wipes (100)

Product Code: H2000650
  • Contains an anti-bacterial additive that is tested by an independent laboratory to BSEN 1276 for chemical disinfectants and antiseptics
  • Available in standard 100-wipe tubes, 300-wipe tubes, giant 500-wipe tubs and 1L spray
  • Removes finger marks, dirt, grime, oil, grease, petrol, inks, food stains, part-cured sealant and paint smears
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Product Description

Safeline anti bacterial wipes (100)

Multi-use wipes have become the first-choice wipe of the nations builders and tradesmen. Specially formulated to clean hands, tools and surfaces from wet and semi-cured paint, sealant, adhesive, bitumen, expanding foam, oil, grease and even silicone.

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